Sclerotherapy for Varicose & Spider Veins
Sclerotherapy are medical & cosmetic vein treatments used at our Austin Texas & Round Rock Texas Vein Centers to treat painful or unsightly varicose veins and spider veins of the legs, ankles, and feet. The abnormal veins are treated by our vein physicians by the injection of a dilute medication, called a sclerosant, directly into the damaged veins. An extremely small needle is utilized, even smaller in diameter than an acupuncture needle. Following the vein injection, the medication flows through the sections of abnormal varicose or spider veins and leads to a chemical reaction within the vein walls, causing irritation and eventual collapsing and disappearance of the diseased veins. Sclerotherapy has been used safely on patients across the world since the 1930s and remains a very effective treatment for both varicose and spider veins.

How is Sclerotherapy Performed?
Sclerotherapy is often performed at our Austin & Round Rock vein treatment centers with the use of ultrasound-guided imaging to ensure proper and precise injections. The number of vein injections required during each session depends on the number and length of the damaged veins. Typically, one injection is made for every square inch of spider veins. This procedure is performed in the comfort of our office and takes less than an hour. More than one treatment may be required to achieve the desired results. One of our preferred sclerotherapy medication is Asclera (polidocanol), due to the excellent cosmetic results and minimal side effects. But in certain instances we use other FDA approved medications, including Sotradecol and Varithena. To view a short video about this therapy, click “play” below.
No anesthesia is needed for this quick and safe procedure. The majority of our patients report only minimal pain. With the newer sclerotherapy medications that we utilize, such as polidocanol, there is no burning sensation associated with injection since the medication is formulated with a numbing anesthetic quality. After vein injection treatments, the damaged veins collapse and turn into scar tissue that eventually fades and is absorbed by the body. The blood flow is rerouted into the adjacent healthy veins. Depending on the extent and anatomy of your varicose and spider veins, our doctor may recommend other treatments in addition to sclerotherapy, such as laser therapy or the VeinGogh / Veinwave surface thermolysis device.
The Latest Advances in Sclerotherapy

At Austin Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Specialists, we take advantage of the latest imaging technologies during sclerotherapy by using various devices including: the VeinViewer by Luminex™, the Syris™ subsurface illumination system, high-resolution ultrasound, and the VeinLite™ by Translite. These are advanced vein visualization devices that use near-infrared and magnified high-powered light or sound waves to produce extremely detailed images of your veins, allowing your doctor to see all of your small damaged veins with extreme clarity (both within the skin and beneath the skin surface). With these modern technologies, your doctor can actually see through the surface of the skin, ensuring more precise injections during your procedure (see demonstration video below).
Sclerotherapy Medications – Asclera & Varithena
Austin Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Specialists only utilizes the most modern of FDA approved sclerotherapy solutions, such as sclerotherapy with Asclera (i.e. Polidocanol), Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate (i.e. Sotradecol), and Varithena. These newer medications, along with our specialized technique of performing the vein injections, allows for much less discomfort than traditionally associated with vein injection treatments of the past. These modern scientifically formulated sclerotherapy medications are associated with superior cosmetic results, less discomfort during vein injections, and fewer risks of side effects.

Polidocanol / Asclera is formulated to not only effectively eliminate veins, but it also has a numbing anesthetic / analgesic quality. Therefore there is typically no burning or stinging associated with the injection of the medication. And since we also utilize the smallest possible micro-needles for injections (as small as 32 gauge), there is very little discomfort associated with the injections (literally just a small ant “bite” sensation at each injections site). We strive to achieve the best possible cosmetic results while minimizing discomfort and the risk of side effects.
What About Saline Sclerotherapy Injections?
Hypertonic Saline sclerotherapy utilizes very concentrated salt water solution to treat spider veins. Traditionally it has been a popular sclerosant since it contains a naturally occurring body substance (sodium chloride or salt) with the false assumption of no toxicity. However, with the advent of new pharmaceutical sclerosant medications available for sclerotherapy, saline has fallen out of favor due to its high side-effect profile. Hypertonic Saline sclerotherapy has a higher rate of skin necrosis (skin death and ulceration) and temporary hemosiderin staining (skin area treated with the sclerosant medication appears brown or “stained”). This occurs because of massive fluid shifts within the cells and tissues that occur when low concentration salt water in the body interacts with the very high concentration salt that is being injected. Additionally, saline does not work well in treatment of larger varicose veins since it gets diluted quickly by blood and becomes ineffective. The other problem with hypertonic saline sclerotherapy is that it is typically rather painful, with a fair amount of burning and stinging sensations during injection.
Foam Sclerotherapy
Foam sclerotherapy is a specialized technique of performing sclerotherapy which is commonly performed at Austin Vein Specialists. With this technique, the FDA approved medications of Varithena, Polidocanol, or Sotradecol are mixed with small micro-bubbles of oxygen in order to create a sclerotherapy solution that is the consistency of shaving cream. The medication is then injected into the abnormal spider, reticular, or varicose veins under direct visualization. Some of the advantages of foam sclerotherapy is that it can often be used to treat larger veins that may otherwise not respond as well to standard sclerotherapy solutions. The micro-bubble emulsion tends to increase the contact time of the sclerosant medication with the vein wall and therefore can increase the effectiveness of the treatment. In addition, due to the white coloration of the foam, the movement of the foam within the veins can be easily seen and followed with special lighting or ultrasound for more precise injection of the chemical.
Recovery & Results After Sclerotherapy
Following vein injection therapy, patients can typically return to relatively normal activities immediately, although exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for 7 to 14 days to improve the efficacy of treatment. Compression stockings or support bandages may need to be worn for up to 2 weeks after the procedure, based on the recommendations of your doctor. Most patients experience some degree of mild bruising and some may develop skin pigmentation changes at sites of injection. These side effects usually subside on their own over time. Arnica may help with the bruising.
Since bruising may occur, it can take several weeks before the true results of sclerotherapy are visible. It is reported that up to 80 percent of damaged veins can be eliminated during each treatment session. Most patients are satisfied with the results of this procedure. Patients can help preserve the results of sclerotherapy and prevent new veins from appearing by maintaining an active lifestyle after the procedure.
Although sclerotherapy is a safe procedure that has been successfully performed by physicians for decades, there are certain risks and side effects associated with any medical procedure. During your consultation our doctor will discuss these possible side effects with you and answer any other concerns that you may have about the procedure.
Candidates for Sclerotherapy
Most patients with spider or varicose veins are good candidates for sclerotherapy, although the procedure should not be performed on pregnant women or patients who have had a recent history of blood clots. If you are interested in this venous procedure or other vein treatments and live in the Austin, Cedar Park, Lakeway, Pflugerville, or Round Rock Texas area, please call or email Austin Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Specialists today to schedule a consultation. We have vein clinic locations that are convenient to Central Austin, Round Rock, and the other suburbs around Austin.
Why Choose Austin Vein Specialists?
Because we have been voted as Austin’s Best many years running! We have repeatedly been featured in Austin Monthly magazine and Texas Monthly magazine as Top Vein Specialists in Texas, including in 2022 and 2023. Dr. Gotvald is listed in the US News & World Report directory as one of the top vein doctors in the nation. We have unrivaled patient satisfaction scores. Unlike many other local offices that offer vein treatments as one of many service lines, at Austin Vein Specialists we exclusively focus on vein disease treatment. Also, unlike other medical spas or dermatology clinics, all of the sclerotherapy vein treatments done at our Vein Centers are performed by physicians. Our physicians our experienced board-certified vein specialists and vascular surgeons who have been doing vein therapies for over 15 years. We utilize the most modern FDA approved sclerotherapy vein solutions. We are a preferred provider of Asclera sclerotherapy.
Only settle for the best! Contact us now at (512) 220-5401 to arrange a sclerotherapy treatment in Austin, Cedar Park, or Round Rock Texas.