Vein Removal Experts
Our board-certified vascular and vein experts have the experience and training to provide you with the most successful vein removal procedures available today. Dr. Gotvald, our medical director, is a board-certified vascular surgeon and a cosmetic vein removal specialist with over 20 years of experience in the removal and repair of diseased and damaged veins throughout the body. His training involved a formal residency and fellowship program in Houston and Dallas that focused on the treatment of artery and vein conditions.
Following residency and fellowship, he has focused his entire career on caring for patients with vein diseases of the legs and throughout the body. Dr. Gotvald’s primary focus is on the treatment of spider veins and varicose veins, including all of the most modern vein removal procedures available. He is considered a world expert in the management of vascular and vein conditions throughout the body. As a result, he ranks highly on www.webmd.com.

Vein Removal Therapies
The focus of our vein centers is the removal of veins of the legs, face, or body that are causing patients visual concerns due to their unsightly appearance. In addition to these cosmetic vein removal therapies, our center also focuses on the treatment of more serious vein conditions that are causing complications: such as pain, swelling, skin discoloration, dermatitis, bleeding, or clots. The most common location for symptomatic vein disease is the legs. Many vein conditions, including varicose veins, can lead to medical complications if left untreated. They are not just cosmetic problems. And the sooner that vein conditions are treated the easier they can be cured or remedied. Vein diseases tend to worsen and spread, with the diseased veins increasing in size and number over time. So seeking an expert opinion early can be very beneficial. And there are many vein removal options available, many of which involve little to no pain and can be performed very quickly in the medical office. Often treatments take under 3o minutes. Below we discuss some of the common vein removal therapies that we provide at Austin Vein Specialists.
Injection Therapy for Vein Removal
Vein removal by injection of medication with very small needles is a common vein removal method utilized by our vein experts. Polidocanol and sotradecol are the most commonly utilized FDA-approved medications for vein removal. Since these medications have been refined over the years and the needles are very small, there is very little discomfort involved. And the risk of any adverse reactions or side effects is also very low. There is a high patient satisfaction rate with vein injection therapy, with over 85% of our patients being satisfied with the end results of their treatments.
VenaSeal Vein Removal
The newest vein therapy available involves a vein “glue” that actually makes veins close and disappear by sealing them shut with a chemical glue that is safe for the body. The glue displaces the blood found within the diseased veins and caused the defective veins to close and fade away. The venaseal glue is FDA approved and is utilized for the treatment of larger varicose veins of the legs. Venaseal vein removal is not used for smaller spider veins.
Laser Vein Removal
Laser therapy is a very common method of removing veins throughout the body. The most common locations that laser is utilized are the face and the legs. Endovenous laser therapy with a diode laser is one of the most common therapies utilized worldwide for the removal of varicose veins. Laser removal of spider veins is second only to the more common injection therapy for the treatment of small spider veins of the skin. Laser removal is the most common therapy used for removing spider veins on the nose or face.
Vein Removal With Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery for veins has largely been replaced by less invasive methods of vein removal, but it still has its appropriate place in the treatment of certain vein anatomy. Even today microsurgery vein removal is extremely common and performed weekly in our vein center. It allows for the immediate disappearance of larger varicose veins of the legs. And with the use of new micro-instruments, there is minimal scar formation in most individuals. Our cosmetic vein surgeons have mastered micro-surgery of varicose veins, providing excellent cosmetic results.
VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis
A procedure of growing popularity in the United States is vein removal utilizing a device referred to as VeinWave or VeinGogh. Our vein experts perform Ohmic thermolysis with these devices in our Austin Vein Centers on a regular basis. This technology uses targeted heat energy to remove skin spider veins or telangiectasias of the face, nose, feet, and legs. It can also be used on other parts of the body as well. It is often requested by patients who are reluctant to undergo vein injections utilizing medications.
Vein Removal with Radiofrequency Therapy
Radiofrequency therapy for leg veins is a very effective method of treating varicose veins in the legs. This vein removal method utilizes a ClosureFast catheter that is manufactured by Medtronic. The device is placed under ultrasound guidance by a physician. Radiofrequency heat energy is delivered to the wall of the defective veins in order to close them. Radiofrequency energy is a very safe and effective method of treating varicose veins (and the underlying cause of varicose veins, called venous reflux disease). There is a 95% success rate with this device.
Varithena Vein Procedure
Varithena is a specialized medication that is FDA approved for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. This non-invasive method of varicose vein removal has allowed our vein experts to cure and remove varicose veins with a less invasive method. Varithena is utilized in situations that often required vein surgery in the past. So this drug has opened the door for many more patients receiving therapy with less risk involved compared to conventional surgery. At Austin Vein Specialists we have seen excellent results with this vein removal therapy.
Clarivein Procedure
Plastic surgery for veins has largely been replaced by less invasive methods.One of those methods involves a specialized catheter referred to as a Clarivein catheter. This device works by delivering medication directly into diseased varicose veins of the legs and the underlying saphenous vein that leads to varicose veins. This device is used by our vein experts to remove larger diseased veins of the legs.

Interested in a Vein Removal Procedure?
If you are interested in any of the mentioned procedures or have specific questions, please contact our vein experts to arrange an appointment. We offer no-obligation MD consultations at our Vein Centers in Austin and Round rock. Our physician will examine your legs and discuss all of your treatment options with you