Rid Your Legs of Those Ugly Bulging or Painful Leg Veins
Are you one of the unfortunate people who has developed ugly bulging leg veins as you have aged? Are these leg veins causing your legs to ache, swell, cramp, or fatigue? Or are you just tired of your legs looking unsightly? You are not alone. About 25% of women and about 15% of men develop varicose veins during their lifetime. And most of these individuals develop these veins when they are at their peak years of life, i.e. at middle age. They are most commonly a hereditary problem, caused by the genetic failure of valves within certain veins of the legs. The underlying condition that leads to these veins is referred to as venous reflux disease.
You Can Cure Your Legs and Rid Them of Bulging Ugly Veins!
Luckily, there is a cure for many. These before and after photos are a reality for the vast majority of patients who seek treatment at Austin Vein Specialists. And those that cannot be cured of the problem can at least get dramatic improvement or complete resolution of the problem for a long period of time. And the treatments do not involve major painful surgeries in most instances. With the advances in medical technology, the majority of people with bulging leg veins that are ugly or painful can have them removed effectively with minor office procedures that DO NOT require surgical incisions or painful recovery. Most of these procedures can be performed in under 30 minutes in the doctor’s office and require NO time off of work. Sound too good to be true? Come for a no-obligation MD consultation with our board-certified Vein Specialists and they will explain to you how modern technology has revolutionized the treatment of bulging ugly leg veins and allowed most patients to be cured with a safe and effective office procedure.

What Are These Modern Therapies For Bulging Ugly Leg Veins?
These state-of-the-art procedures involve procedures that are performed under local anesthesia (Novacaine) in our vein center (similar to how a dental procedure is done with an injection of numbing medication). The vast majority of the procedures take under 30 minutes to perform. And most of them are also performed without any incisions being placed on the skin of the legs! Sound amazing? It really is incredible how these procedures can have dramatic results with a minimally invasive procedure.
Have you heard of laparoscopy, fiber-optic procedures, medical lasers, or robotic procedures? These are all amazing surgical advances that have allowed patients to get conditions treated through minimally invasive methods with little pain and fast recovery. These same types of amazing advances have also occurred in the field of vein diseases! Through the use of micro-catheter technologies and with the use of devices such as lasers and radiofrequency technology, we are now able to cure bulging ugly or painful leg veins.
The new technologies that make possible the minimally-invasive removal of bulging leg veins, ugly leg veins, and painful leg veins include the following: endovenous laser, radiofrequency ClosureFast catheter, VenaSeal vein glue, Clarivein catheter, Varithena medication, foam sclerosant drugs, and high-definition ultrasound devices.
Are These Procedures Costly? Covered By Health Insurance?
Luckily, the majority of patients that are evaluated at our vein center for symptomatic varicose veins do qualify for coverage of these vein removal procedures under their health insurance policies. At Austin Vein specialists we will work with your insurance company to determine if you qualify for coverage. If you do not have insurance coverage, then we will always be transparent in the costs involved and we will happily provide you a written quote of the procedural costs. When the treatment of varicose veins is deemed to be of “medical necessity” then treatments are typically covered by health insurance.
With cosmetic issues alone, such as with asymptomatic spider veins, then vein treatments are not covered by health insurance. In the case of cosmetic procedures, we will quote you the out-of-pocket costs during your consultation.
How Can I Have My Legs Evaluated For Treatment of Leg Veins?
It is simple as calling to schedule an in-person consultation with one of our Vein Specialists. The consultation to discuss your symptoms and to examine your legs is typically performed within a 30 minute consultation appointment. During this time the physician and physicain assistant will determine the best treatment plan for your particular condition. We will determine if you have varicose veins, reticular veins, spider veins, or a combination of these abnormal veins. And based on your physical exam we will also determine if you will require an ultrasound examination of your legs to look at your underlying venous anatomy. The consultation is typically billed to your health insurance company, although we also offer self-pay rates for those without health insurance.
If you are interested in a one-on-one consultation with one of our vein specialists, please call (512) 220-5401!