Compression Stockings Austin & Round Rock TX
Utility of Compression Stockings:
• For Blood Clot Prevention During Travel
• For Blood Clot Prevention After Surgery
• To Treat Symptoms of Leg Swelling / Edema
• To Treat Symptoms of Leg Pain and Fatigue
• To Treat Symptoms of Varicose Veins
• To Prevent Development of Varicose Veins
• Assist Healing After Leg Vein Treatments
• For General Circulation Health
Austin’s Compression Stocking Experts
We Carry a Complete Line of Compression Stockings!
At Austin Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Specialists we have a complete line of compression stockings, support hose, and support socks available for custom fitting and retail sale. Compression stockings, a conservative method of treatment for varicose and spider veins, are available at our Austin and Round Rock vein centers. Compression socks and compression hoses are proven methods that can be used to effectively treat spider veins, reticular veins, or varicose veins of the legs. By wearing the compression stockings on a regular daily basis, they can minimize the symptoms of discomfort and swelling that result from the abnormal veins. In addition, compression hoses have also been shown to decrease the chance of recurrence of veins after treatment. Since the majority of patients with varicose veins and spider veins are genetically prone to have their leg’s veins worsen over time as they age, one can maintain the results of vein treatments by wearing the stockings after the treatments are completed. It has been shown in medical studies that wearing compression stockings does diminish the occurrence of more diseased and visible veins on the legs.
In addition, it has been universally recommended that prescription-grade compression stockings be worn after vein treatments/vein interventions in order to improve the effectiveness and cosmetic results of the treatments. The recommended length of time you should wear them following treatment(s) will depend on your particular procedure, and this will be discussed with you by your vein specialist prior to any procedure.

Can Compression Stockings Make Leg Veins Feel Less Painful?
Often yes, they will. The build-up of high pressure or tension inside the abnormal leg veins is usually the cause of the discomfort (as the veins engorge or stretch, the nerves within the vein walls begin to ache). Since the compression stockings deliver firm pressure to the skin and surface veins of the legs, it forces the abnormal veins to collapse and empty their blood, relieving the pressure build-up and tension inside the veins. In turn, the nerves within the vein walls relax and stop aching. This can often relieve the symptoms of aching, throbbing, cramping, heaviness, pressure, and itching in the legs or feet.
Can Compression Stockings Make My Varicose Veins or Spider Veins Resolve?
No, unfortunately, compression stockings will not make abnormal leg veins disappear. Nor will the stockings make the leg veins look better. Once the stockings are removed, the veins will go back to looking how they did before the stockings were worn, no matter how long you wear them.
Can Compression Stockings Stop the Spread of My Varicose Veins or Spider Veins?
Yes, they actually can. Although stockings do not cure the vein disease that is leading to the problem, they can often significantly slow the disease process. Because the spread of vein disease occurs when vein valves progressively “snap” or break, and since compression stockings help relieve the pressure build-up within the veins and vein valves, the stockings can dramatically slow the process of vein damage. They do not stop the spread of the vein damage completely, but they usually help to significantly slow the damaging process. Compression stockings have been proven to slow the spread of vein disease in several well-respected medical studies.
Can Compression Stockings Make My Leg Swelling Improve/Resolve?
Yes. Patients often report a rather dramatic improvement or even resolution in their leg swelling after just a short course of compression stockings use. Compression stockings have proven to be effective for the resolution of leg swelling in multiple medical studies.
Are Compression Stockings an Alternative to Invasive Vein Procedures?
Yes, they can serve as an alternative option for patients wanting to avoid vein interventions. When the goal of treatment is the relief of pain or swelling, compression stockings alone are often enough. When the goal is to cure or disappearance the veins, then a procedure or intervention will be necessary. When individuals wish to have their unsightly leg veins disappear or resolve in order to restore a cosmetically appealing appearance to their legs, then vein procedures are required instead of stockings. Also, some people do not get adequate relief of their symptoms with compression stockings and therefore still need the treatment. Often patients with advanced or severe vein disease get inadequate relief of their symptoms with compression stockings alone.
Do I Need to Wear Compression Stockings After My Vein Treatment(s)?
The answer is usually yes. Most medical studies show an improvement in treatment results when the stockings are worn immediately after the treatment. Most treatments require you to wear the stockings between a few days two 2 weeks, depending on the type of treatment that you have done.
Are Compression Stockings Too Hot to Wear in Texas?
That depends upon the time of year. Many patients do find compression stockings to be too hot and too uncomfortable to wear during the hotter seasons in Texas. Since the stockings tend to be rather thick and tight, they can be unbearable to wear during the hot Texas summers.
Do Compression Stockings Come in Different Styles and Colors?
Absolutely. Just like any other apparel, they are different brands, colors, and styles available. We only carry brands that are of the highest quality and comfort. We base our decision on which brands to the stock based on satisfaction surveys of our patients The compression apparel comes in different lengths, such as knee-high, thigh-high, panty-hose style, and even a maternity style. There is also a sports brand available to the more active athlete. Your physician will typically help you to choose the style based on your particular situation.
How Do You Decide on the Correct Size of Compression Stockings?
You will need to have a custom fitting at our office (the fitting is free of charge). A circumference measurement is taken at your ankle, thigh, and calf. We also determine the length of your leg. We then choose your size based on these measurements.
Are Compression Stockings Expensive?
Most people do feel that they are expensive, but we strive to achieve the lowest cost possible and 99% of our stockings are under $100 for a pair. At Austin Vein Specialists, our prices are typically cheaper than other local medical supply stores that carry the same brands.
Can I Just Buy My Compression Stockings Online or At Wal-Mart?
This is not recommended for several reasons. Stockings that are effective for the treatment of vein conditions are referred to as “Prescription Compression Stockings” and require a doctor’s prescription to get them. Unlike over-the-counter stockings that you can pick up on the shelf at a local drugstore, RX compression stockings are manufactured through a regulated process that requires quality control and a specific circumferential firmness of the entire stocking, measured in millimeter of mercury (mm Hg). The type of stockings that are effective for vein treatments is medical-grade stockings that require a doctor’s prescription.
In addition, in order for the stockings to be effective, they must also be appropriately fitted to your leg. This requires a custom fitting process. These stockings come in dozens of sizes (not in “small”, “medium”, and “large”) and therefore a specific fitting of your leg is necessary.
To get fitted for your compression stockings, please call (512) 220-5401 or just walk in!