Do Your Homework and Make Sure Your Vein Doctor is Board-Certified in Vascular Disease Management
When it comes to treatment options for your varicose veins, you may be overwhelmed by the options available. Indeed, even those without formal vein and vascular treatment training can set up a vein treatment facility, and it’s tough to know if your doctor is a trained vein specialist and truly qualified to be performing interventions on your veins. With all the clinics and offices that advertise varicose vein and spider vein treatments, it’s extremely important that you do your homework and that you make sure that you are being treated by a board-certified vascular surgeon.
There are several distinct differentiators between a board-certified vascular surgeon and other types of physicians that may try to offer full-service vein treatments.
Education and Training
To become board-certified, a vascular surgeon must spend at least 11 years earning a formal medical education at a University Medical Center, with 7 years of that training involving a residency & fellowship training in surgery & interventional procedures. During the 7 years of hands-on surgery training, a vein specialist will perform vein surgeries and procedures on a daily basis.
This education provides an extensive knowledge of the underlying anatomy and processes that lead to vein diseases, and the best methods to treat vein conditions. During the residency and fellowship, the vein surgeon works under the supervision of top vein surgeons, learning all aspects of vein surgery and developing expertise in all procedures.
Upon completing these 11 years of education and training, a vein surgeon must acquire a variety of certifications to become board-certified. This includes interpreting thousands of vascular ultrasounds and vascular radiological studies, and several lengthy written and oral examinations by peers of the Board of Surgery. At the end of this board certification process, you can rest assured that a board-certified vein surgeon will be thoroughly well-versed in the causes, techniques, and treatments for your vein disease.
The education and training process outlined above guarantees that a board-certified physician has at least 11 years of training and 7 years of hands-on training. Beyond that minimum required training, it’s important to look at how much time your physician has been in private practice. Joel Gotvald, Austin Varicose Vein’s vascular surgeon, has been practicing for over 10 years and has augmented his board certification by becoming a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), the highest level of honor for a vein specialist. He also completed a separate credentialing process by the American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine, also strengthening his expertise in the field of Phlebology.
Treatment Expertise
Finally, a board-certified vein surgeon is a specialty trained in ALL available treatment options. Many non-board-certified physicians or non-vascular surgeons often offer only certain procedures and treatments that may not always be right for your specific situation. A board-certified vascular physician understands your vein disease at the deepest possible level. Avascular specialists can therefore offer the most appropriate and most cutting-edge treatments that reduce the chances of treatment failure, recurrent problems, and other procedural complications.
Dr. Joel Gotvald is triple board-certified and one of the most respected vein specialists in the country. Learn more about his experience here. contact You can contact Dr. Gotvald online or over the phone at 512-220-5401.