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Chronic Venous Insufficiency

The Link Between Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins

An estimated 80 million Americans, or over 25% of the U.S. population, suffer from some form of venous disorder, according to MDNews. Despite the prevalence of venous insufficiency, it can often go underrecognized and under-treated as a result of doctors looking to other causes for poor circulation, including checking potassium and calcium levels. Venous insufficiency

Varithena Foam Sclerotherpy Varicose Vein Treatment

Varithena Foam Sclerotherapy Varithena foam sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive method of treating varicose vein disease of the legs. It uses a proprietary medication to treat diseased leg veins that are unsightly or veins that are causing leg pain and swelling. Contact Austin Vein Specialists to see if you are a candidate for the newest

First ever catheter-based vein therapy raises $5.9 million in funding

Chronic venous insufficiency, the condition when blood doesn’t travel from the legs back to the heart properly, results in skin changes, painful ulceration, can cause problems with leg swelling, and can be associated with varicose veins. A common condition that affects nearly 24 percent of adults, treatment for chronic venous insufficiency is currently limited to

Choose Austin Vein Specialists For Great Results

When vein problems arise, they are often unsightly and can cause symptoms that are uncomfortable for patients. Once you’ve decided to have something done about those veins, choosing a clinic and doctor in Austin to take care of them can be overwhelming. Austin Vein Specialists is able to effectively treat a variety of venous disorders